24 Nisan 2010 Cumartesi

Top 10: Deftones

İkinci ''White Pony'' Civarlarında

Genç, hızlı, öfkeli, dokunaklı, teatral, klostrofobik, nefessiz, çiğ, karışık, sofistike, tutkulu, ateşli, keskin, kırılgan, değişken, umursamaz, çelişkili, çeşitli, tekrarcıl, süreç dostu ve iddialı: İkinci White Pony şerefine Deftones: Top 10.

10. Feiticeira (White Pony)
''Feiticeira, untie me/Untie me for now/You said you were right/And you were right''

9. Kimdracula (Saturday Night Wrist)
'' I really wish these snakes were your arms''

8. Rx Queen (White Pony)
'' We'll stop to rest on the moon''

7. Around The Fur (Around The Fur)
'' Coming back/Coming back around the fur''

6. Hole In The Earth (Saturday Night Wrist)
'' Whooo!''

5. Passenger (White Pony)
 '' The chrome buttons, buckles on leather surfaces/These and other lucky witnesses/Now to calm me/This time won't you please/Drive/Faster'

4. Be Quiet And Drive (Around the Fur)
'' I dressed you in her clothes/So drive me/Far''

3. Digital Bath (White Pony)
'' You breathed/Then you stopped/I breathed/And dried you off''

2. Minerva (Deftones)
'' For the hearts you break/Everytime you moan''
1. Change(White Pony)
''It's like you never/Had wings''
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